Downtown Cleveland Improvement Corporation
Downtown Cleveland Improvement Corporation works in tandem with Downtown Cleveland, Inc. to build a clean, safe, welcoming and investment-ready environment. DCIC is comprised of all real estate property owners in the special improvement district (SID) who contribute annual assessments and is led by a board of directors comprised entirely of property owners that manages the district and contracts with Downtown Cleveland, Inc. to directly provide all services to property owners.
Downtown Cleveland Ambassadors
DCIC funds 100% of the Clean, Safe & Welcoming Program. Downtown Ambassadors are a visible, unarmed, and uniformed presence working seven days a week, year-round to create a clean, safe, and welcoming environment for all. We lead the collaboration with the City of Cleveland, law enforcement, and social service agencies to enhance beautification, public space maintenance, and safety.
Strengthen the Core
DCIC also partially supports Downtown Cleveland’s strategic economic development and place enhancement initiatives, as well as the Group Plan Commission’s operation of Public Square.
DCIC Board of Directors
Thomas Coyne - Chair
Doug Price, III - Vice Chair
Deb Janik - Treasurer
Antonin Robert - Secretary
Thomas Einhouse - Immediate Past Chair
Scott Lokke
Ray Mueller
Jason Phillips
Rico Pietro
Michael Sabracos
Paul Shaia
Mike Sikora
Jim Folk
Damon Frangos
Blaine Griffin
Brian Intihar
Yvette Ittu
Joe Kassouf
Al Krist
Michael Apt
TJ Asher
Joe Bobeck, Jr.
Suzanne Asher Broadbent
Mike Carney
Roger Carran
Jeff Epstein