Market Research

Downtown Cleveland, Inc.’s Business Development Center (BDC) plays an essential role in attracting business and investment to Downtown Cleveland. The BDC works with property owners, commercial real estate professionals, the City of Cleveland, and many other public and private partners to connect business leaders, developers, and investors with opportunities and information.

The BDC produces regular market reports on downtown that reflect the status of our market sectors, currently with a focus on economic recovery. We use our reports and collateral to aid real estate brokers and site selectors as they work to bring office and retail businesses downtown.

Value of Downtowns

No city or region can succeed without a strong downtown, the place where compactness and density bring people, capital, and ideas into the kind of proximity that builds economies, opportunity, community and identity. Taking David Engwicht’s point a step farther, no place in the city maximizes exchange and minimizes travel the way downtowns and center cities do.

Greater Downtown Cleveland Housing Study

Downtown Cleveland, Inc. partnered with Greater Cleveland Partnership to commission this study to serve as an update to the 2018 Downtown Housing Study with an expanded geography. The report examines residential growth in the Greater Downtown neighborhoods. The results demonstrate that Cleveland’s greater downtown area has seen significant growth over the last five years and continues to show demand for housing of all types. The report includes the results of a survey about residents' housing preferences, as well as recommendations for sustained residential growth.