Downtown Cleveland Food Truck Guide
Downtown Cleveland, Inc. (DCI) is a non-profit organization with the mission of attracting talent, jobs, residents, and investment through market influence, community impact, and irresistible experiences. As part of our work, DCI activates downtown’s public spaces with ongoing programming and amenities that improve quality of life and showcase Cleveland’s distinctiveness.
In this vein, DCI encourages food truck operators to help fuel cultural vibrancy in Downtown Cleveland through unique culinary experiences.
Whether a food truck is invited to participate in a DCI community event or would like to pop-up around downtown on its own, all must abide by the City of Cleveland, Ohio Code of Ordinances, and be fully permitted to operate in the ward.
Looking for more information on how to operate a food truck or trailer in Cleveland? Follow the instructions below.
Want to participate in our events?
If you are a food truck owner interested in participating in DCI community events, click the button to submit your interest. A member of our team will be in touch once received.
What You’ll Need to Operate
The State of Ohio Department of Taxation requires mobile food vendors to have a valid transient vendor license.
Complete your transient vendor license application
$25 application fee
The Cuyahoga County Board of Health performs operation plan reviews and food safety inspections for mobile food vendors. Passing vendors will receive a mobile food unit license.
Complete your mobile food unit license application
License must be renewed whenever there are changes to menu, equipment, or process
The City of Cleveland requires general liability insurance for all mobile food vendors operating in Cleveland. The amount of liability coverage is dependent on the type of vendor:
$100,000.00 (one hundred thousand dollars) for motorized mobile food vending trucks or trailers
Note: Participation in DCI events requires a $1,000,000.00 insurance policy listing Downtown Cleveland Alliance as additionally insured.
The City of Cleveland Division of Fire requires an annual inspection to ensure vehicles are compliant with the most up-to-date fire code requirements. (expires annually on February 28th)
Call to schedule your inspection with the City of Cleveland Division of Fire at (216) 664-6664
Complete the propane pressure leak test with a Licensed Bonded Professional
(LBP) in accordance with NFPA, DOT, and OFC standards
Fill out the Storage, Handling, Sales or Use of Hazardous Substances/Products application and the Certificate of Qualification for Handling/Installing LPG Systems application, and bring them to your scheduled fire inspection with the required fees
Inspection must be repeated annually
For questions contact: Mark Miller, Lieutenant 216-664-6652 Mmiller2@clevelandohio.gov
The City of Cleveland requires mobile food units to register with the Department of Assessments and Licensing. This should be your final step, as you will be required to show proof of all the above.
Complete the Food Truck/Trailer/Cart Permit – (expires annually on April 15th)
Complete the Food Truck/Trailer/Cart ID Badge – (expires annually on July 31st)
Gather all supporting documents and submit applications in-person or by mail
Registration must be updated annually
For more information, please contact the Division of Assessments and Licenses at dallicenses@clevelandohio.gov or (216) 664-2264.
Things to Remember
Once all permitting is obtained a food truck operator can begin considering temporary locations to conduct business.
Food trucks may operate anywhere you can park legally. Remember to park in the direction of the curbside/with the flow of traffic and pay street parking fees where applicable. Try using the ParkMobile app to locate valid locations. ParkMobile App
Do not block crosswalks and driveways. Keep the public right-of-way clear and allow for ADA-compliant access.
Use proper flashing lights and signage when stopping temporarily.
Some restrictions apply to operating Downtown such as not operating within one hundred (100) feet of a brick-and-mortar food service business during its business hours, and not operating within seven hundred fifty (750) feet of a special event or community event unless invited. Review the City of Cleveland, Ohio Code of Ordinances for further information.
Cleanliness + Environmental Awareness
Keep the area 15 feet around your truck clean.
Provide a trash receptacle for customers and keep it from overflowing.
Remove all your waste before leaving a location.
Keep in mind that downtown is a residential neighborhood and central business district. Noise from speakers playing music and loud generators can make living, visiting, and conducting business downtown an unpleasant experience.