Commute Downtown
Parking Garages and Surface Parking Lots
There is ample parking available in Downtown Cleveland. Downtown Cleveland, Inc. has a map of parking options that includes links to the operator webpages:
Street Parking
The City of Cleveland is installing on-street parking pay stations throughout downtown. Digital parking meters help storefront businesses and make downtown’s most affordable parking more available to more people!
Public Transit
GCRTA service is accessible and frequent, and downtown is at the center of the system. In June 2021, the “NextGen” system redesign was launched to provide more frequency to downtown, so employees may find that transit has become a more attractive option for them since before the pandemic.
Employees can use the GCRTA app to purchase passes and can plan their trip easily through Google Maps or the Transit App. Note that fare purchasing will be upgraded this June to the EZFare Platform, which can be accessed on the Transit App.
Commuter Advantage: employers can offer this benefit to employees to use pre-tax dollars to purchase a transit pass.
Shared Mobility
Scooters and electric bikes are available for rent downtown using a smartphone.
Visit the City of Cleveland’s webpage on shared mobility for more information.
Bike Cleveland
Pedal-powered transportation is easy downtown with an ever-expanding bike lane network, designated bike parking, and bike share options. Check out Bike Cleveland's website for biking tips, route maps, and more.