Wednesday, June 7 | 3-6pm

Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Tower

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The Ruth Ratner Miller Awards (RRMA) have been an honored tradition for Downtown Cleveland Alliance and its predecessor organization for over 20 years and is designed to recognize those who have made significant investments in our community - much like the late Ruth Ratner Miller herself.

2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner

Eric Gordon

Chief Executive Officer of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.

2023 RRMA Nominations

This year, we will be introducing new award categories to honor individuals and organizations who have invested time and energy in supporting Downtown Cleveland Alliance’s core mission of attracting talent, jobs, residents, and investment into Downtown Cleveland.

We are currently accepting award nominations for the following categories. All nominations are due by April 28, 2023.

Award Categories

  • During the 1970s Ruth Ratner Miller was the Director of Public Health and Welfare and Community Development for Mayor Ralph J. Perk. Her work on the Rapid Recovery Program aimed at cleaning up RTA right-a-ways.

    This award will recognize an individual, company or organization who demonstrates a commitment to creating a clean, safe, and welcoming environment for all. Nominees should exemplify leadership in maintaining an environment of wellbeing for everyone in Downtown Cleveland including residents, visitors, employees and disadvantaged individuals.

  • In 1981 Ruth Ratner Miller was responsible for relighting Terminal Tower becoming Cleveland’s symbol of rebirth.

    This award will recognize an individual, company or organization whose investment in place enhances the profile of our city and the pedestrian experience. Projects can include public art, exterior building or streetscape improvements, as well as public space programs or activations.

  • The office, hospitality and entertainment markets in Downtown Cleveland drive the economy for our region. Ruth Ratner Miller was instrumental in converting the former Halle Brothers Co. Downtown department store into an office building, and in renovating the Terminal Tower’s lower levels into a glamorous shopping center – Tower City Center.

    This award will recognize an individual or organization who has made significant investments in their business to grow jobs, as well as attract and retain the best talent in Cleveland.

  • As big of an impact that Ruth Ratner Miller had here in Cleveland as a trailblazing businesswoman, her presence could also be felt around the globe. In addition to many national and international civic and board affiliations, she was a true champion of Cleveland - touching virtually every aspect of Cleveland’s business, cultural, religious and social fabric.

    This award will recognize an individual or organization who demonstrates excellence in exhibiting community through cultivating partnerships, volunteerism, and whose work supports Downtown Cleveland Alliance’s core vision of as the hub of an inclusive 24/7 global city and welcoming beacon for all.

  • In 1980 under the leadership of Ruth Ratner Miller Forest City spent $400 million transforming Terminal Tower into a 3 million-square-foot, multi-use urban renewal redevelopment, featuring hotels, a mall and offices known as Tower City Center.

    This award will recognize an individual or organization who played an essential role in making significant investments to grow jobs, as well as attract and retain the best talent in Cleveland with the completion of a recent development project.


  1. Projects, programs, or initiatives nominated for awards must have been completed between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022. 

  2. The applicant or nominee must be a member in good standing of Downtown Cleveland Alliance at the time of nomination.  

  3. Nominees should demonstrate innovative approaches, as well as time and energy in supporting Downtown Cleveland Alliance’s core mission of attracting talent, jobs, residents, and investment into Downtown Cleveland. Submissions should describe the nominee’s leadership; exceptional commitment to our city; as well as the impact they have had to strengthen and build Downtown Cleveland. 

    1. The RRMA Committee will review submissions based solely on the application and supporting materials submitted.  

    2. Submissions are due by April 28, 2023. Nominees will be notified during the week of May 1st.

    3. The applicant is responsible for fulfilling all nomination submission requirements. In addition to completing the form below please email the following documents to

      • Narrative summarizing the project, program, person or activity and how it meets the criteria for the award category selected. (100 words minimum - 300 words maximum)

      • Support materials relevant to award category selected such as links to news articles, social media pages, or presentations.

      • High quality photographs (minimum resolution, 300dpi)

Nominate someone today

Fill out the below form to submit nominations. Additional information about award categories as outlined above can be found here.