Safety Ambassadors & Services
Neighborhood Safety Specialists
Downtown Neighborhood Safety Specialists provide an additional uniformed unarmed presence to de-escalate and deter conflict. We deploy Neighborhood Safety Specialists seven days a week throughout Downtown Cleveland. They are trained to de-escalate aggressive behavior, must have a security and hospitality background, and possess strong communication skills. They add a visible, uniformed presence to Downtown's streets and public spaces that help deter criminal activity.
Safety Services
Neighborhood Safety Specialists provide numerous safety-related services to those visiting, living, and working downtown including:
Safety Escorts - Escorts are available to all residences, entertainment venues, offices, and any other destination within the district.
Motorist Assistance - Ambassadors can provide roadside assistance including tire changes, car lockouts, and dead batteries.
Wellness Checks – In collaboration with outreach specialists, Neighborhood Safety Specialists can support the unsheltered population, perform wellness checks, and respond to escalated sidewalk behavior.
Business Outreach
Lobby Fairs - Our Clean and Safe team is stationed at hospitality carts in offices and residential buildings during high traffic times with signage and literature, ready to discuss our services and answer questions. This increases visibility and engagement of ambassadors as well as residents and office workers’ safety services awareness.
Lunch & Learns - Designed to educate office workers on Downtown Cleveland, Inc.’s Clean and Safe services and safety-related work. Sessions take no more than an hour.