Reimagining Downtown Cleveland Julia Matter Reimagining Downtown Cleveland Julia Matter

Downtown Now: Reimagining Downtown One-Year Review

A little over a year ago, Downtown Cleveland, Inc. and key partners stood with Mayor Justin Bibb to launch Reimagining Downtown, his vision to guide our city’s core through post-pandemic challenges and transform downtown from a traditional 9-to-5 central business district into a vibrant 18-hour, 15-minute neighborhood.  In this blog, we review the progress we have made to accomplish our goals over the course of the year.

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Reimagining Downtown Cleveland Julia Matter Reimagining Downtown Cleveland Julia Matter

Reimagining Downtown Cleveland - Expanding the Tree Canopy

In the Reimagining Downtown blog series, we provide regular updates on our progress in implementing the plan and dive deeper into specific programs that move us toward our goals. This article discusses Downtown Cleveland’s work to enhance Downtown’s public spaces by adding plants, trees, and the benefits of greenery in an urban landscape.

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Reimagining Downtown Cleveland Julia Matter Reimagining Downtown Cleveland Julia Matter

Driving Cleveland’s Distinctiveness Through Irresistible Experiences

In the Reimagining Downtown blog series, we provide regular updates on our progress in implementing the plan and dive deeper into specific programs that move us toward our goals. In the plan we committed to activating Downtown’s public spaces with ongoing programming and amenities that improve Downtown’s quality of life and showcase Cleveland’s distinctiveness. As well as, connecting our lakefront and riverfront to the urban core to create opportunities for safe and enjoyable public access. This article discusses Downtown Cleveland, Inc.’s use of events and community gatherings to keep Downtown vibrant and fun in all four seasons while accomplishing the goals set.

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Reimagining Downtown Cleveland Julia Matter Reimagining Downtown Cleveland Julia Matter

Strengthening Downtown’s Retail Base

In the Reimagining Downtown blog series, we provide regular updates on our progress in implementing the plan and dive deeper into specific projects that move us toward our goals. This article discusses the completion of our Retail Strategy and how we will leverage it to strengthen our current retail inventory, identify barriers to attracting retailers, implement a targeted tenant attraction strategy, and more.

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Reimagining Downtown Cleveland Julia Matter Reimagining Downtown Cleveland Julia Matter

Promoting Safety Through Collaboration, Heightened Visibility, and Ongoing Monitoring

In the Reimagining Downtown blog series, we will provide regular updates on our progress in implementing the plan and dive deeper into specific programs that move us toward our goals. This article discusses Downtown Cleveland’s safety initiates including our Neighborhood Safety Specialists, our partnership with the Cleveland Division of Police, and our Crisis Intervention Team.

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